इंग्लंड मध्य माझी शॉर्ट फिल्म 1 आठवडा ऑनलाईन झाली आहे,
शक्य झाले तर वोट करा....🙏
Pls vote my film at Sr. NO. 46 THE BROTHELS & TRANSPORTERS
First-Time Filmmaker Sessions July 2020 is now live to the public and accepting votes!
First open account in Vimeo (in browser or app- Download Vimeo App
Or search Vimeo on browser.
Then you have to rent $10 to watch collection 105 films
1. Write first - Voted in comment box.
2. Then, write 2 films name.
3. Then, write comment on https://liftoff.network/voting-system-ftsessju20205/
#FirstTimeFilmmakerSessions #FirstTimeFilmmakerSessionsJuly #SupportIndieFilm